Wednesday, December 06, 2006

The Iraq War : US Study Group

Tessa: Today the US Study Group report was released I think it's interesting that an elite panel comprised of Republican former Secretary of State James Baker and former Democratic Rep. Lee Hamilton of Indiana has unanimously decided that the United States has to withdraw from its role in Iraq to a support position. Although no immediate plans for withdrawal have been outlined its clear that the political will to stay in this war is waning. Perhaps its very difficult for George W. to do an about face after his relentless and unethical commitment to an illegal war that has resulted in the slaughter of over 650,000 Iraquis and 2900 American soldiers to date. But with Bush family insider James Baker taking the lead, perhaps George W. can do the right thing for young American soldiers who are being slaughtered daily. Of course, the sectarian violence unleashed by the American invasion won't do anything for those Iraqis who are left to clean up the mess the US neo-cons created. It seems, that history, does in fact repeat itself afterall.

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